
1. past tense - broke; verb
1) (to divide into two or more parts (by force).) romper, quebrar
2) ((usually with off/away) to separate (a part) from the whole (by force).) partir
3) (to make or become unusable.) romper
4) (to go against, or not act according to (the law etc): He broke his appointment at the last minute.) quebrantar, infringir; cancelar
5) (to do better than (a sporting etc record).) batir
6) (to interrupt: She broke her journey in London.) interrumpir
7) (to put an end to: He broke the silence.) romper
8) (to make or become known: They gently broke the news of his death to his wife.) anunciar, comunicar, hacer público
9) ((of a boy's voice) to fall in pitch.) mudar, cambiar
10) (to soften the effect of (a fall, the force of the wind etc).) amortiguar
11) (to begin: The storm broke before they reached shelter.) romper, estallar, desatarse

2. noun
1) (a pause: a break in the conversation.) interrupción, pausa
2) (a change: a break in the weather.) cambio
3) (an opening.) abertura, grieta
4) (a chance or piece of (good or bad) luck: This is your big break.) oportunidad

3. noun
((usually in plural) something likely to break.) objeto frágil
- breaker
- breakdown
- break-in
- breakneck
- breakout
- breakthrough
- breakwater
- break away
- break down
- break into
- break in
- break loose
- break off
- break out
- break out in
- break the ice
- break up
- make a break for it

break1 n
1. descanso / pausa / recreo
what about a short break? ¿qué os parece una pausa?
2. vacaciones (cortas)
I need a break necesito unas vacaciones
3. ruptura
the break with her husband was difficult la ruptura con su marido fue difícil
4. fractura / rotura
it was a bad break and he had to go into hospital era una rotura grave y tuvieron que ingresarlo
break2 vb
1. romper / romperse
he dropped the cup and it broke se le cayó la taza y se rompió
she broke her leg se rompió la pierna
2. partir
I broke the loaf of bread in half partí la barra de pan por la mitad
3. batir
she broke the world record batió el récord mundial
4. faltar a / no cumplir
you broke your promise faltaste a tu palabra
5. infringir
that is breaking the law eso es infringir la ley
El pasado de break es broke y el participio pasado es broken
1 (in leg etc) rotura
2 (in relationship) ruptura
3 (in meeting) descanso, pausa; (in broadcast) interrupción nombre femenino; (at school) recreo
4 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (billiards, snooker) tacada
5 SMALLMETEOROLOGY/SMALL (in clouds) claro; (in weather) cambio
6 (chance) oportunidad nombre femenino
7 (on stock exchange) baja
8 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (tennis) break nombre masculino
9 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL (jazz) break nombre masculino
10 (in voice) gallo
transitive verb (pt broke tr[brəʊk] , pp broken tr['brəʊkən] )
1 romper
2 (record) batir
3 (promise, word) faltar a
4 (law, contract) violar, infringir
5 (news) comunicar
6 (code) descifrar
7 (mystery, case) resolver
8 (fall) amortiguar
9 (journey) interrumpir
10 (tame) domar
11 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL (circuit) cortar, interrumpir
intransitive verb
1 romperse
2 (storm) estallar
3 (stock exchange) bajar
4 (meeting, session) parar
5 (disperse) dispersarse
6 (voice) cambiar
7 (health) quebrantarse
8 (spot, abcess) reventar
9 (waves) romper, reventar
to break cover salir al descubierto
to break even salir sin ganar ni perder
to break free evadirse
to break ground figurative use abrirse un nuevo camino
to break somebody's heart partir el corazón a alguien
to break into song ponerse a cantar
to break it off terminar una relación
to break the ice figurative use romper el hielo
to break one's neck (in fall etc) desnucarse 2 (make a great effort) matarse
to break one's word no cumplir su palabra
to break open abrir forzando
to break out in spots salirle a uno granos
to break ranks SMALLMILITARY/SMALL romper filas
to break somebody's neck figurative use (assault) romperle el hocico a alguien
to break the back of a job haber hecho la parte más difícil de un trabajo
to break the bank hacer quebrar la banca
to break a strike romper una huelga
to break something to pieces hacer algo añicos
to give somebody a break dar una oportunidad a alguien
to make a break for it intentar fugarse
it's make or break time es la hora de la verdad
to take a break tomarse una pausa, tomarse un descanso
break it up! (in fight) ¡basta ya!
without a break sin descansar, sin parar
at break of day al amanecer
break ['breɪk] v, broke ['bro:k] ; broken ['bro:kə n] ; breaking vt
1) smash: romper, quebrar
2) violate: infringir, violar, romper
3) surpass: batir, superar
4) crush , ruin: arruinar, deshacer, destrozar
to break one's spirit: quebrantar su espíritu
5) : dar, comunicar
to break the news: dar las noticias
6) interrupt: cortar, interrumpir
break vi
1) : romperse, quebrarse
my calculator broke: se me rompió la calculadora
2) disperse: dispersarse, despejarse
3) : estallar (dícese de una tormenta), romper (dícese del día)
4) change: cambiar (dícese del tiempo o de la voz)
5) decrease: bajar
my fever broke: me bajó la fiebre
6) : divulgarse, revelarse
the news broke: la noticia se divulgó
to break into : forzar, abrir
to break out of : escaparse de
to break through : penetrar
break n
1) : ruptura f, rotura f, fractura f (de un hueso), claro m (entre las nubes), cambio m (del tiempo)
2) chance: oportunidad f
a lucky break: un golpe de suerte
3) rest: descanso m
to take a break: tomar(se) un descanso
break (Aside, Theater)
aparte s.m. (Clearing)
claro s.m. (Communications)
pausa s.f.
punto s.m.
abertura s.f.
quebrantamiento s.m.
quiebra s.f.
rompimiento s.m.
rotura s.f.
ruptura s.f.
(§ p.,p.p.: broke, broken) = arruinar v.
cascar v.
deshacer v.
(§pres: -hago, -haces...) pret: -hic-
pp: -hecho
fut/c: -har-•)
despedazar v.
desvencijar v.
domar v.
estropear v.
interrumpir (Teléfono) v.
parar v.
partir v.
quebrantar v.
quebrar v.
romper v.
trincar v.

1. breɪk
(past broke; past p broken) transitive verb
1) \<\<window/plate\>\> romper*; \<\<stick\>\> partir, romper*, quebrar* (AmL)

I've broken my pencil — se me ha roto la punta del lápiz

he broke his wrist — se rompió la muñeca

she broke the chocolate into four pieces — partió el chocolate en cuatro trozos

2) (render useless) \<\<machine\>\> romper*, descomponer* (AmL)
3) (violate) \<\<rule\>\> infringir*, violar; \<\<promise\>\> no cumplir, faltar a; \<\<contract\>\> incumplir, romper*; \<\<strike\>\> romper*; law 1) b), word I 3)
4) (end) \<\<strike\>\> poner* fin a; \<\<drug ring\>\> desarticular; \<\<impasse\>\> salir* de; \<\<habit\>\> dejar
a) (ruin) \<\<person/company\>\> arruinar a
b) (crush) \<\<person\>\> destrozar*, deshacer*; heart 2), spirit I 3), will II 1) b)
6) (impart)

to break something (to somebody): Sue broke the news to him Sue le dio la noticia; they broke it to her gently — se lo dijeron con mucho tacto

7) (exceed) \<\<record\>\> batir
a) (interrupt) \<\<circuit\>\> cortar; \<\<fast/silence\>\> romper*
b) (disrupt) \<\<pattern/monotony\>\> romper*
9) (breach, pierce) \<\<soil\>\> roturar

I haven't broken the skin — no me he abierto la piel

a) (get into) \<\<safe\>\> forzar*

we broke the toolbox open — abrimos la caja de herramientas forzándola

b) (escape from) (AmE) \<\<jail\>\> escaparse or fugarse* de
c) (decipher) \<\<code\>\> descifrar
11) (tame) \<\<horse\>\> domar

break vi
a) \<\<window/plate\>\> romperse*; \<\<stick\>\> partirse, romperse*, quebrarse* (AmL)

my watch broke — se me rompió el reloj

b) (separate)

a splinter group which broke from the party — un grupo disidente que se escindió del partido; loose I 2)

2) (give in) \<\<resistance\>\> desmoronarse, venirse* abajo

she broke under constant interrogation — no resistió el constante interrogatorio

a) (begin) \<\<storm\>\> estallar; \<\<day\>\> romper*, apuntar, despuntar
b) (change) \<\<weather\>\> cambiar

his voice is breaking — le está cambiando or mudando la voz

his voice broke — (with emotion) se le entrecortó la voz

c) (become known) \<\<story\>\> hacerse* público
4) \<\<wave/surf\>\> romper*
5) (adjourn) parar, hacer* una pausa

to break for lunch — parar para almorzar

6) (happen) (AmE colloq)

things are breaking well for me — me están saliendo bien las cosas; even II 2)

7) (in snooker, pool) abrir* el juego
Phrasal Verbs:

a) (Rad, TV) pausa f (comercial); (Theat) entreacto m, intermedio m
b) (rest period) descanso m; (at school) (BrE) recreo m

we have a coffee break at 11 — a las 11 paramos para tomar un café

we worked without a break — trabajamos sin parar or descansar

c) (short vacation) vacaciones fpl
d) (change, respite) cambio m

I need a break from all this — necesito descansar de todo esto; (a holiday) necesito un cambio de aires

give me a break! — (colloq) déjame en paz!, no me embromes! (AmL fam)

a) (gap) interrupción f
b) (in circuit) ruptura f, corte m
3) (fracture) fractura f, rotura f
4) (chance, opportunity) (colloq) oportunidad f

he got a break — se le presentó una oportunidad

5) (separation, rift) ruptura f

to make a clean break — cortar por lo sano

he made a break with his past life — rompió or cortó con su pasado

6) (sudden move)

he made a break for the door — corrió hacia la puerta

7) (escape) fuga f, evasión f (frml)
8) (in snooker, pool) tacada f, serie f; (in tennis) ruptura f, quiebre m
9) (beginning) (liter)

at (the) break of day — al rayar el alba (liter)

10) (discount) (AmE colloq) descuento m
[breɪk] (vb: pt broke) (pp broken)
1. N
1) (=fracture) rotura f ; (in bone) fractura f ; (fig) (in relationship) ruptura f

to make a break with — romper con

2) (=gap) (in wall etc) abertura f , brecha f ; (=crack) grieta f ; (Typ) (on paper etc) espacio m , blanco m ; (Elec) (in circuit) corte m

a break in the clouds — un claro entre las nubes

3) (=pause) (in conversation) interrupción f , pausa f ; (in journey) descanso m , pausa f ; (=stop) parada f ; (=holiday) vacaciones fpl ; (=rest) descanso m ; (=tea break) descanso m para tomar el té, once(s) f(pl) (LAm); (Brit) (Scol) recreo m

a break in continuity — una solución de continuidad

give me a break! — ¡dame un respiro!; (impatient) ¡déjame, anda!

to have or take a break — descansar, tomarse un descanso

to take a weekend break — hacer una escapada de fin de semana

with a break in her voice — con la voz entrecortada

a break in the weather — un cambio del tiempo

without a break — sin descanso or descansar

4) * (=chance) oportunidad f

to give sb a break — dar una oportunidad a algn

lucky break — golpe m de suerte, racha f de buena suerte

5) (=break-out) fuga f

to make a break for it * — tratar de fugarse


at break of dayliter al amanecer

7) (Tennis) ruptura f

two breaks of service — dos servicios rotos

8) (Billiards, Snooker) tacada f , serie f
9) (=vehicle) break m , volanta f (LAm)
2. VT
1) (=smash) [+ glass etc] romper; [+ branch, stick] romper, quebrar (LAm); [+ ground] roturar; [+ code] descifrar; [+ conspiracy] deshacer; [+ drugs ring etc] desarticular

to break one's back — romperse la columna

I'm not going to break my back to finish it today — no me voy a matar para terminarlo hoy

to break sb's heart — romper or partir el corazón a algn

to break one's leg — romperse la pierna

break a leg! * — (Theat) ¡buena suerte!

to break surface[submarine, diver] emerger, salir a la superficie

- break the ice
spirit 1., 3)
2) (=surpass) [+ record] batir, superar
3) (=fail to observe) [+ law, rule] violar, quebrantar; [+ appointment] no acudir a

he broke his word/promise — faltó a su palabra/promesa

to break a date — faltar a una cita

4) (=weaken, destroy) [+ resistance, spirits] quebrantar, quebrar (LAm); [+ health] quebrantar; [+ strike] romper, quebrar (LAm); [+ habit] perder; [+ horse] domar, amansar; [+ bank] (in gambling) quebrar, hacer quebrar; [+ person] (financially) arruinar; (morally) abatir, vencer

to break sb of a habit — quitar una costumbre a algn

5) (=interrupt) [+ silence, spell] romper; [+ journey] interrumpir; [+ electrical circuit] cortar, interrumpir
6) (=soften) [+ force] mitigar, contener; [+ impact, fall] amortiguar
7) (=disclose) [+ news] comunicar (to a)
8) (=leave)

to break camp — levantar el campamento

to break cover — salir al descubierto

to break ranks — romper filas


to break sb's serve or service — (Tennis) romper el servicio de algn

10) (Naut) [+ flag] desplegar
11) (US)

can you break me a 100-dollar bill? — ¿me puede cambiar un billete de 100 dólares?

3. VI
1) (=smash) [window, glass] romperse; (into pieces) hacerse pedazos
2) (=be fractured) [chair] romperse, partirse; [branch, twig] romperse, quebrarse (LAm); [limb] fracturarse; [boil] reventar; (fig) [heart] romperse, partirse
3) (=cease to function) [machine] estropearse
4) (=arrive) [dawn, day] apuntar, rayar; [news] darse a conocer; [story] revelarse; [storm] estallar; [wave] romper
5) (=give way) [health, spirits] quebrantarse; [weather] cambiar; [heat wave] terminar; [boy's voice] mudarse; [singing voice] cascarse; [bank] quebrar
6) (=pause)

let's break for lunch — vamos a hacer un descanso para comer


to break free(from chains, ropes etc) soltarse; (fig) liberarse

to break loose — desatarse, escaparse; (fig) desencadenarse


to break even — cubrir los gastos

9) (Boxing) separarse
10) (Billiards, Snooker) abrir el juego
11) (Sport) [ball] torcerse, desviarse

break dancer N — bailarín(-ina) m / f de break

break dancing N — break m

break point N — (Tennis) punto m de break, punto m de ruptura; (Comput) punto m de interrupción

* * *

1. [breɪk]
(past broke; past p broken) transitive verb
1) \<\<window/plate\>\> romper*; \<\<stick\>\> partir, romper*, quebrar* (AmL)

I've broken my pencil — se me ha roto la punta del lápiz

he broke his wrist — se rompió la muñeca

she broke the chocolate into four pieces — partió el chocolate en cuatro trozos

2) (render useless) \<\<machine\>\> romper*, descomponer* (AmL)
3) (violate) \<\<rule\>\> infringir*, violar; \<\<promise\>\> no cumplir, faltar a; \<\<contract\>\> incumplir, romper*; \<\<strike\>\> romper*; law 1) b), word I 3)
4) (end) \<\<strike\>\> poner* fin a; \<\<drug ring\>\> desarticular; \<\<impasse\>\> salir* de; \<\<habit\>\> dejar
a) (ruin) \<\<person/company\>\> arruinar a
b) (crush) \<\<person\>\> destrozar*, deshacer*; heart 2), spirit I 3), will II 1) b)
6) (impart)

to break something (to somebody): Sue broke the news to him Sue le dio la noticia; they broke it to her gently — se lo dijeron con mucho tacto

7) (exceed) \<\<record\>\> batir
a) (interrupt) \<\<circuit\>\> cortar; \<\<fast/silence\>\> romper*
b) (disrupt) \<\<pattern/monotony\>\> romper*
9) (breach, pierce) \<\<soil\>\> roturar

I haven't broken the skin — no me he abierto la piel

a) (get into) \<\<safe\>\> forzar*

we broke the toolbox open — abrimos la caja de herramientas forzándola

b) (escape from) (AmE) \<\<jail\>\> escaparse or fugarse* de
c) (decipher) \<\<code\>\> descifrar
11) (tame) \<\<horse\>\> domar

break vi
a) \<\<window/plate\>\> romperse*; \<\<stick\>\> partirse, romperse*, quebrarse* (AmL)

my watch broke — se me rompió el reloj

b) (separate)

a splinter group which broke from the party — un grupo disidente que se escindió del partido; loose I 2)

2) (give in) \<\<resistance\>\> desmoronarse, venirse* abajo

she broke under constant interrogation — no resistió el constante interrogatorio

a) (begin) \<\<storm\>\> estallar; \<\<day\>\> romper*, apuntar, despuntar
b) (change) \<\<weather\>\> cambiar

his voice is breaking — le está cambiando or mudando la voz

his voice broke — (with emotion) se le entrecortó la voz

c) (become known) \<\<story\>\> hacerse* público
4) \<\<wave/surf\>\> romper*
5) (adjourn) parar, hacer* una pausa

to break for lunch — parar para almorzar

6) (happen) (AmE colloq)

things are breaking well for me — me están saliendo bien las cosas; even II 2)

7) (in snooker, pool) abrir* el juego
Phrasal Verbs:

a) (Rad, TV) pausa f (comercial); (Theat) entreacto m, intermedio m
b) (rest period) descanso m; (at school) (BrE) recreo m

we have a coffee break at 11 — a las 11 paramos para tomar un café

we worked without a break — trabajamos sin parar or descansar

c) (short vacation) vacaciones fpl
d) (change, respite) cambio m

I need a break from all this — necesito descansar de todo esto; (a holiday) necesito un cambio de aires

give me a break! — (colloq) déjame en paz!, no me embromes! (AmL fam)

a) (gap) interrupción f
b) (in circuit) ruptura f, corte m
3) (fracture) fractura f, rotura f
4) (chance, opportunity) (colloq) oportunidad f

he got a break — se le presentó una oportunidad

5) (separation, rift) ruptura f

to make a clean break — cortar por lo sano

he made a break with his past life — rompió or cortó con su pasado

6) (sudden move)

he made a break for the door — corrió hacia la puerta

7) (escape) fuga f, evasión f (frml)
8) (in snooker, pool) tacada f, serie f; (in tennis) ruptura f, quiebre m
9) (beginning) (liter)

at (the) break of day — al rayar el alba (liter)

10) (discount) (AmE colloq) descuento m

English-spanish dictionary. 2013.

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  • break — ► VERB (past broke; past part. broken) 1) separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain. 2) make or become inoperative; stop working. 3) interrupt (a continuity, sequence, or course). 4) fail to observe (a law, regulation, or… …   English terms dictionary

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  • break — [brāk] vt. broke, broken, breaking [ME breken < OE brecan < IE base * bhreg > BREACH, BREECH, Ger brechen, L frangere] 1. to cause to come apart by force; split or crack sharply into pieces; smash; burst 2. a) …   English World dictionary

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